
We are running our meetup in our spare time and we don’t get paid for doing this. Therefore, we rely on sponsors or event hosts to be able to meet, network, and enjoy talks together. If you want to sponsor us (or host us in your offices) you’ll find more information here. We are also sharing statistics on participants that might help you justify your investment. Thanks for supporting the Cloud Native Linz community!


Location sponsoring

What you’ll get What we’ll get
• 5 minute slot in the beginning to present.
• You can even bring a banner/roll-up and put it next to the stage.
• A place to meet.
• Preferrably snacks and drinks for the participants
• Internet access for the speakers

Meetup sponsoring

What you’ll get What we’ll get
• 3 minute slot in the beginning to present
• we present 1-3 slides for you
• 300 €

Long time support

We are happy to establish long time relationships with sponsors (not more than 3). If you are interested, please feel free to reach out anytime.

Other options

We are happy to discuss further options, feel free to reach out anytime!